Thursday 1 February 2018

My African Dream

Open the door of thy heart,
And open thy chamber door, 
And my kisses shall teach thy lips
The love that shall fade no more
Till the sun grows cold,
And the stars are old...

I see her, my lovely, dutiful and beautiful wife, walking towards me in the light of the warm setting sun of September. I see her walking towards me in that long green mermaid dress with African print. Her hips are swaying right and left as she walks to me, her dashing husband, and our three amazing kids. 

It's a warm Sunday evening and the kids and I have been playing all day in the green fields of our 5 acre farm. It has been a long day that started with church, then lunch in our orchard followed by games all afternoon. My precious wife walks to me and kisses me as I lean on our black Mercedes Benz. She pulls back and I take a breath as I marvel at the amazing beauty standing in front of me. When God made her, the world stopped and applauded. The rivers, the trees, the oceans, the skies and all of nature stood in motion to marvel at her splendour.

She leads us back to the mansion that is our abode where we sit down for dinner around a round mahogany table clothed with a red table cloth, in a dining room lit by magnificent lamps and warmed by a charming chimney fire.

We laugh, eat and make fun of each other as we share our experiences and the warmth of our hearts. When the meal is done, I regale my family with funny stories of tales long forgotten and myths no longer remembered.

When all is done, the children go to bed and my wife and I sit on the thick red carpet with the sofa to our backs and the fire place to our front. We cuddle before the fire and fall in love all over again not just with each other but with what we have become.

This is My African Dream

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