Friday 15 December 2017

Reaching for Greatness

Tonight I met a man who changed my view of the world. Tonight I met a man who not only inspired me to greatness but one who opened my eyes towards what leadership really is. This man's name is Dan Awendo, CEO of Home Afrika. I will not dull his words with my own, I wish to share his story as he shared it that his story may be forever etched in your mind.

"I went to Starehe boys, back in the day when Starehe was still Starehe boys - these days they do not top as they used to. I went to Starehe on a football scholarship, I was a great goalkeeper and that's how I went to Starehe. The other students looked down on me and that gave me a very real sense of self and wanting to do extra. Starehe was composed mainly of Division One students, so if you were a Division Two student then it was almost like you belonged elsewhere. The school was really about your own effort and by the end of my stay there, I was among the top four in my class. 

This is what I am talking about, that extra-effort that you put in for you - not for your parents, not for your teachers and not for your bosses but for you. Regardless of what happens around you, what is in you is what will always make the difference. What you know that others don't will keep you ahead of others. I grew up in Kaloleni and I can tell you that half of the people I grew up with are dead. They lost their lives to drugs and gangs but I made it and others made it too, so it is not what goes on around you but what you do above and beyond for yourself that matters.

We all start out as technicians. Either you are coding, fixing computers, doing accounting or something like that - so we all start out as technicians. However, when you become a manager you must stop being a technician because leadership is about achieving results through others. As a leader you must make sure that your team shines because if they do not shine then neither will you shine. 

As a manager, hire the person who can replace you, who is either like you or better because otherwise you will not grow. The only way to move up is to create space for others below you to move up. It is like the paradox in the bible that we receive by giving. To most people it is counter-intuitive but those who have tried it know that it is the truth. Therefore get to know people you work with, know what motivates them and make sure that they shine. You can no longer be a builder, you must be an architect.

You are the average of the 5 people that you spend your time with the most. Show me your friends and I will show you your future. Eventually you will become like the people you spend your time the most with. 

If you remember nothing else, remember this, You only move up by creating space for others below you to move up."

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