Thursday 5 January 2017


On my way to L.A.
Looking into the rear view as the roads fade away
I've sworn off my past,
The first to last bad call that I ever made
Tell me how to make right
Every wrong turn that I've learned
So this can all end tonight
Tennessee line just changed my mind,
Well, it's my heart I'll follow this time

Feels Like Tonight - Daughtry

Sometimes my dear readers, you're gonna feel like crap. Sometimes no matter how great life is and how many things you got figured out, something happens and your life is not quite the same. This is especially true when you make a mistake that you swore that you would never do again, like going back to an old boyfriend or dating your boss or even calling someone you were done with. 

When we first make a mistake like lending someone our car when we knew that it wasn't very wise to do so, we allow ourselves to make that mistake promising ourselves to learn from it. We assure ourselves that we know what we are doing that it is good to give others the benefit of doubt even when our internal senses are up in arms over the same. Usually, we get burned. That person spills something in the car or they get into an accident or worse, they claim that the car was stolen. We swear never ever to entrust them with anything again, even if we are related to them. 

The truth is though that there are some mistakes that no matter how painful, we repeat. It is these mistakes that hurt above all. When that mistake is a person, then it hurts over and above anything else. Of course it is only natural to give someone that you love a second chance but we must always remember that in so doing we open up ourselves to grave pain. The lesson to be learned here is that not everyone deserves second chances. 

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