Friday, 6 January 2017

Of Love & Heartstrings

When God made you, He must have been thinking about me…

When God Made You – Newsong

You ever wonder what happened to the theory that a man is supposed to locate his missing rib? Since a man lacks one rib on one side of his torso, it is said that, that one rib is the missing woman. The rib that God took in order to create Eve. Is it all just a fable? Is there really such a thing as the one or are we deluding ourselves? Is there that one person who can fulfill our desires, end our loneliness and bring us total happiness? That is an age-old question of which the answers are as varied as they are many.

I cannot honestly claim to be an expert in this but here’s what I have found:

  • Happiness is an inside job – No matter how many special people you meet in your life you will always find that the buck stops with you when it comes to happiness. 

  • You can be special to someone sometime but not all the time – We all wish to find someone special. Someone who chooses us over everyone else no matter what. The truth is that even when we meet that person, there will still be those times when we feel that they are siding with someone else over us or that something in their lives that takes priority over us. This is usually not something that affects men as much as it affects women. Women tend to be very sensitive when they feel de-prioritized. One example is when you get home and want to watch the news rather than talk to your wife. If this becomes a habit then over time she will come to feel unloved.  

  • Loneliness is bad but what is worse is being with someone who makes you feel lonely – At the end of the day, the person who makes you feel most special is also the one who can make you feel most unloved. Socrates once said, ‘By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.’ 

  • It’s not just about love, it is also about compatibility – No matter how much the two of you love each other, if you do not share core values; as in family values, parenting models and the like, you won’t be very happy together.

  • Your partner does not complete you, they complement you – Unlike poles attract. This is very true even outside the world of physics. Outside of core values, it is important for two people who are interested in each other to be different. However, you should always be a happy and well-rounded person before seeking a mate. If you are unhappy when you are single, then you will be unhappy with your partner. This will also keep you from being overly dependent on your partner. 

  • Everyone will hurt you in the end, find someone worth suffering for – It is often said that some people walk into our lives and leave their footprints in our hearts. This is very true. It is also true that no one is perfect and eventually either willfully or without meaning to, people will hurt us. There are those people who are so dear to us that we can easily forgive them, those people who we would do so much for even at a moment’s request. Let me tell you now that even among your friends, those are the people you eventually want in your life.

Finally, permit me to say that honesty, caring, trust and commitment are the pillars of any stable relationship. You cannot have a relationship where trust is lacking. Trust is built on honesty. Caring fosters trust and allows people to give each other second chances. Commitment will get you through the rough days. Till next time, whether you are single or not, be happy

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Lonely Hearts

A pity beyond all telling is hid in the heart of love - William Yeats

Today's article is special for the reason that I speak as a man who knows how hard it can be to be an adult and a man. I write to you today not as a blogger or an author, but as a man who experiences every day struggles in this ever changing world. I write to you also as a man whose heart has recently been broken.

Many times, when a man comes home from work, he hasn't had a perfect day. He may have failed in delivering a project on time due to short deadlines, an accident could have happened at work and he had to work longer or take the blame. Maybe he asked for a raise and didn't get it; it could even be a promotion that he missed. More often than not he has had a difficult encounter with a client or a co-worker. Sometimes a man has been rejected for a job that he had applied for elsewhere. Life is full of disappointments but one never quite gets used to it.

Every day we live, we try to be better, to make better choices in order to have a better future. Of all our endeavours though, very few tend to succeed. More often than not, we succeed at the small things rather than at the big things. We succeed in organizing our day, in meeting deadlines, in making new acquaintances and even in going for a holiday once a year. However, when it comes to some of the big things like getting a promotion or getting a scholarship, it's no longer as easy.

Disappointments come in many shapes and sizes and everyone has a different way of dealing with it. This depends on age and character. Younger people may prefer the bottle but older people who realize that temporary escapades cannot offer permanent solutions have a variety of ways for dealing with it. We can sweep small disappointments under the rug and simply tell everyone that we are fine. The truth is, it is the big disappointments that make the real difference. They are what drive couples apart, cause parents to distance themselves from children. Sometimes they can even affect performance at the workplace.

To all those who have pain in their lives, I say to you that a man is not a man without a few of life's disappointments.

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” 
― Oprah Winfrey


On my way to L.A.
Looking into the rear view as the roads fade away
I've sworn off my past,
The first to last bad call that I ever made
Tell me how to make right
Every wrong turn that I've learned
So this can all end tonight
Tennessee line just changed my mind,
Well, it's my heart I'll follow this time

Feels Like Tonight - Daughtry

Sometimes my dear readers, you're gonna feel like crap. Sometimes no matter how great life is and how many things you got figured out, something happens and your life is not quite the same. This is especially true when you make a mistake that you swore that you would never do again, like going back to an old boyfriend or dating your boss or even calling someone you were done with. 

When we first make a mistake like lending someone our car when we knew that it wasn't very wise to do so, we allow ourselves to make that mistake promising ourselves to learn from it. We assure ourselves that we know what we are doing that it is good to give others the benefit of doubt even when our internal senses are up in arms over the same. Usually, we get burned. That person spills something in the car or they get into an accident or worse, they claim that the car was stolen. We swear never ever to entrust them with anything again, even if we are related to them. 

The truth is though that there are some mistakes that no matter how painful, we repeat. It is these mistakes that hurt above all. When that mistake is a person, then it hurts over and above anything else. Of course it is only natural to give someone that you love a second chance but we must always remember that in so doing we open up ourselves to grave pain. The lesson to be learned here is that not everyone deserves second chances.