Sunday 28 October 2012

Words Never Spoken

The saddest thing about rejection is that there are a million things you wanted to say that you'll never get to say to the person you love. You spend months, sometimes years planning for the right moment to tell her. And the right moment comes - sometimes - but as you begin to speak, their countenance falls and hard-earned courage melts into sheer cowardice. Before you can even finish professing your love to that person, all the signs of rejection begin to show up on that person's face. Their bodily movements concur in a foreboding manner and quickly you begin to regret that you ever spoke of how you feel for them.

There are millions of things to say to the person you love. All the times they thought that no one understood but you did, you want to remind them of that and reassure them that they will always have you; that you will always be there when they need you. That you want to make them happy and nothing could change the way you feel about them.

Before you can say much, you've been rejected explicitly and verbally and now you know for sure that you're done. The second saddest thing is nothing you can say will make a difference to that person. People don't reject one another because they feel like it at the moment, it is because they can never envision themselves with you. But we often think that if we just tell them how we feel about them or that if they could just see you for who you are they would want you - WRONG!!! The sad truth is, while you spent a good portion of your time learning that person, knowing what is important to them, what they like and what they can't tolerate, you are never really what that person wants.

Nice guys spend a lot of time "hunting" or rather "stalking their prey". They learn that person's habits, tendencies, hobbies, likes, dislikes and even their proclivities. Often these nice guys change for the ones they love believing that in the end that person will see them as the ultimate partner. Nice guys please hear me out, Rejection is not a "maybe", Rejection is not a "no not now", Rejection is "NEVER".

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