"Why does love always feel like ...
a battlefield (battlefield)
a battlefield (battlefield)
a battlefield (battlefield)
I guess you better go and get your armor..."
- Battlefield By Jordin Sparks
Why does the bad boy
get the girl? What does he have that the nice guy doesn’t have? I mean, you are
obviously smarter, better organized, more responsible – you know her better,
you’ve known her longer etc. You must be a nice guy if you’re reading this and
thinking, “Yeah.” Well friends, it’s quite simple really. The bad boy aka
naughty boy is simply more daring than you are. You on the other hand are
quiet, shy, reserved. Maybe you are quite loud but then around her your
pusillanimous nature reveals itself. Maybe you stutter a little bit when you
talk to her and later on you beat yourself up about it.
My friend, love is like
war. It requires insurmountable courage and unyielding determination. You have
to be brave when you are courting her. You cannot at any moment show fear or
timidity. Again like war, it is not just about courage but it also requires a
certain amount of strategizing and cunning – this you are good at, or so you
think? Let’s start of with the first point.
Believe it or not,
courage makes all the difference in the world when it comes to courting a
woman. Women are quite entranced by a man who is confident and self-assured,
the kind of man who is unfazed in the face of fearsome odds. Being with a man
who is unsure of himself is like walking out of warm room into the freezing
cold, the change is unbearable. Women
will however respond kindly to a man who is bold enough to walk up to her and
hold a conversation that is both charming and meaningful without being daunted
by her beauty.
You doubt me? Observe
the bad boy, look at him. He will do crazy things which are sometimes quite
imbecilic. He is impulsive, he speaks his mind and does as he so wishes, courting
multiple women who are well aware of each other. You turn up with your neat,
prim and albeit shy ways and you offer her you undying love for all eternity.
You assure her that there will never be another, that she will be your one and
only. Of course you will not say those things, but like the wise man said,
actions speak louder than words. The woman does not need to be told the words
to know true love when she sees it.
But you are too tame,
you are too agreeable, anything she says goes. Her wish is your command. You
must abstain from this behavior, because as fate would have it, people don’t go
touring to see tamed game, they go out to the Maasai Mara to see wild game –
and that is exactly what the bad boy is, WILD.
Every woman wants a bad
boy who can be good for her, every man wants a good girl who can be bad for
him. Learn this lesson, intentions count for nothing, impressions count for
everything! So be brave, for war was never won through cowardice but through
gallantry. As a final note to this point
please know that when you are intimidated by a woman, and you show it in your various
attempts to court her – she will demand it and will provoke you to respect her
more, the more you will be intimidated – ad infinitum.
Secondly, never make
known to a woman your true intentions. I know that your strategy is sound, you “stalk”
her and learn all there is to her, all her ins and outs. Yet you miss one vital
thing! By showing her that she is your one and only, you make yourself
predictable. She knows that in your attempts to win her over, you will move
heaven and earth just for her. Two things you need to know about this. By
virtue of being predictable you become a bore. Additionally, it is human nature
to feel superior to the person whose actions you can predict. Now, how is she
going to give in to someone who she finds boring and who she feels superior to?
Have you already
committed these fatal mistakes? Do you feel like your luck is running out?
There is hope for you yet. Every war has its turning point and its time for you
to turn the tide around to make her want you. First, you must stop doing the
things that make you predictable. You always eat at the same place or the same
type of restaurants? Begin going to different restaurants, even if they are
above your means – find a way. Where there is a will there is a way. Always
hangout with the same gang, play the same games? Withdraw a little. I’m not
talking about parting ways with your friends I mean spending a little less time
with them especially in front of her.
Do things that you’ve
never done before, go swimming, go mountain climbing, take on new challenges
that involve daring risks. Do stupid meaningless things that are both impulsive
and daring. Do not at any moment give her the slightest hint that any of this
is to impress her. Go after other girls for a change, show up in the places where
she least expects you and miss out in the places she does expect you. Make sure
you show up with a few hot girls when show up to places. Be the center of
attention. How? You ask, again where there is a will, there is a way.
She will hear strange
stories of the man who she so casually dismissed, reborn, vibrant, impulsive,
attractive – a magnet for her fellow women-folk. She will believe that she has
made a grievous error, and she will try to make amends.
Do not ignore her,
rather, treat her like a friend. Smile genially at her, give her a few short
moments with you then pretend you are off to more important things. Of course
all this is after you have her undivided attention. Never at any point reveal
any part of your strategy to her either directly or indirectly, if you do, I
guarantee that you will lose her forever.
Finally, know that most
of these attributes will not come naturally to you. On the contrary, they are
probably the opposite of what you believe. But these are the ageless laws of
seduction. Time passes, revolutions come and go, everything comes and goes but
this one fact does not change. Love is War.