Saturday 6 May 2017

The Princess and The Frog

Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found its missing piece...

Beautiful in White - Westlife

Finding the one you love is not about finding someone to live with for the rest of your life. It is finding someone who you can't live without for the rest of your life. I did not understand this concept for the longest time. That is until recently. You know, after you've been hurt by your first true love, you kind of feel like love is not real and that marriage is just a special type of friendship. It's a feeling like you've lost something that you can't seem to find again. It's not that you are still hurt, but you just don't feel strongly for anyone - regardless of how good they are.

Then comes along this young and attractive woman, demure yet confident, shy yet certain, reserved yet curiously playful. She shares some of your interests, even some of your eccentric ones. Like your love for cartoons and the rain. She is independent but appreciates your company. A wonderful partner in business and an excellent mentor at home. She conducts herself with such dignity and care that you cannot help but pay attention. She makes decisions and sticks to them and though she is annoying sometimes, you learn to love every part of her. Her smiles, her grimaces, her demeanor, her constant complaining about one thing or the other and her mysterious silence at times. You can't quite figure her out but you know that she makes you happy.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is a tip about men and the women they pick for marriage. The woman for a man is not the woman who the man feels so deeply attracted to. The woman who a man marries is the woman that makes his world most beautiful, the one that makes him feel good about himself. It sounds simple and a little silly I know. However, it is rare to find an attractive young woman who is smart, who shares your interests and who actually makes you feel good about yourself.

You see ladies, a man's life is made up of a lot of struggles and men don't overcome these struggles over night. Successful men will tell you that you fail many times before you can succeed. This is where the anecdote of The Princess and The Frog is important to note. The truth is that a man becoming is a bit like a frog. He has his faults, he fails more than he succeeds and until he achieves his life goals, he might not put you first in the way that you'd like. He may not seem like a prince charming in his struggles at the time, in fact he might not look it at all. But it is in this time that a man needs a woman with vision and wisdom in his life the most. This is why a man finds a wife in his youth and they build a life together and though he may end up cheating on her, he will always come home to her in the end. It's because he remembers that she was the one that stayed with him when the chips were down. She was the one that helped him realize his dreams. To the cheating man, perhaps, every other woman he cheats with is just a useful distraction - animating, but short-lived.

In summary my good friends, when you find the one, you will look at your dreams again and feel that they are incomplete without that person in it. Your dreams will feel empty without that person, but with them, your dreams will be complete.